
Friday, April 5, 2013

I'm in my third trimester already!

How time really flies, it seems just like October last year, when we came back from our Hong Kong trip and realized I was a few days late. I said, "nah, must be stress again", besides I didn't want to be disappointed with another negative test (we've been trying for another baby for a couple of months already).

After another week I finally gave in and tried a home pregnancy test kit :)

I thought the second line was kind of faint, so I waited a few more days and took another :) :)

Then came the first check-up at 6 weeks, plus the regular blood tests, orange glucose test and TVS at 7 weeks:

I was so thrilled to see my baby's heart flickering. Then on my next check-up, I heard it beating fast (like galloping horses) through the doppler. I felt my own heart leap for joy.

Aside from the morning whole day sickness, here's what I went through in the first trimester:
  1. I had elevated blood pressure and very high blood sugar levels. I was put on a strict diet (low sugar, low sodium, low fat - in short walang lasa).
  2. I also had subchrionic bleeding (but it was less than what I had with R). My OB prescribed Progesterone and not to tire myself. Despite not tiring myself I just felt sooo sleepy and fatigue throughout the first trimester.
  3. I had really bad heartburn (with R I only had this when I ate spicy foods)
  4. Food cravings: strawberries, Indian mangoes w/ bagoong alamang, balut, and more into meats (steaks, burgers) 
  5. Food aversions: I couldn’t take the scent of pizza (Pizza Hut, Shakey’s, Greenwich) but the cheapipay pizzas I could take in. Also I didn't like fruit shakes and milk.
Then came the golden months of the second trimester wherein everything just lightened up. My appetite increased, I regained my strength and loved going out again. But what I really looked forward to in the second trimester were these:
  1. Feeling baby's first movements. I felt some thumping (probably hiccups) around 16 weeks, which according to my OB was just right for the second pregnancy (our tummy ligaments are already loose and stretched).
  2. Knowing the baby's gender. More about that in this post
And now I enter the third trimester, just a couple of months from my due date. I'm feeling quite slow and lethargic nowadays, maybe because I'm getting quite heavy. Basically, I'm like this:
Image from the web

Just a few more check ups and a few more pounds to gain. But most important of all, I'm so excited to experience a wonderful miracle all over again:

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